A Poem!

Profile photo for Yashodhara Rangari
Not Yet Rated


This is my poem recitation.

Vocal Characteristics




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
A beautiful voice, a beautiful voice like a melody, divine soothes our soul and makes us feel fine. It fills the air with a magical sound, enchanting our hearts left, taking us off the ground. A voice that's pure, gentle and clear, can wash away all our pain and fear. Its peaks of love, hope and joy and makes us believe in dreams. We employ, it touches our hearts resonating within, filling us with a sense of serenity, akin its rhythm and tone, create a symphony that echoes through our ears and sets us free. A beautiful voice with its power to heal can make our hearts skip a beat and feel it reaches out to the depths of our soul and fills us with a sense of being whole. So let us cherish those who possess this gift of a voice that can truly impress for. It's a treasure beyond all measure, a divine blessing, a timeless pleasure. Thank you.