COVID-19 Healthcare Workers Thank You

Television Ad


A spot to feature healthcare workers and thank them for being on the front lines to protect us from the pandemic.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
our world has forever changed and to defeat Cove in 19 we must change with it. Throughout history, during thes moments of uncertainty, those among us have always answered the call. And as the world watches, we ask ourselves, What does it mean to be a health care worker? It's being brave when you can't see the enemy and facing down fear while fulfilling your calling. It's holding a hand in a time of crisis and shedding a tear in a time of loss. It's embracing change to find the future and seeing hope. When all seems dark, it's finding a voice in the silence and standing up for what's right. Even when it's not popular, the world needs you more than ever. As healthcare workers unite to conquer this pandemic, this is a time of crisis, but also solidarity, gratitude, hope and empathy. We are physicians, nurses, scientists, administrators, first responders, lab technicians, pharmacists, maintenance workers, mothers, daughters, sons, fathers and Americans. And we never lose hope. Even as we look towards an uncertain future. Because courage isn't being fearless, it's being brave despite the fear. Thank you for being guided by science, true to your oath, driven by profession and out for the future