Natural New York Italian



Narration of information regarding \"The Irishman\" and Jimmy Hoffa

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know, in the 19 fifties, Frank Sheeran, the truck driver we know about them because we saw the Irishman. We know he met Russell Buffa Lino, and we know what they did together. Yes, they got involved in Jimmy Hoffa's organization, and some people look back on it and they say the Teamsters had a negative connotation. Well, I I disagree with that, but the reality of all of this is the same every day. We don't know what happened with Jimmy Hoffa. It's all speculation, because the reality is we never saw a body. Yeah, by this time, he's probably dead, and I'm sure he's buried in a grave somewhere, but we don't know where everyone asked. We don't know he was killed. We don't know if he died of natural causes. He was a very proud man. You know, when it really comes down to it. When you asked that question, where's half a buried? The answer is gonna be the same. I don't know