Commercial demo

Profile photo for Zelda Diana Black
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Zelda Diana Black's commercial demo displays all the qualities she wields in just one minute. It is a diverse and versatile demo that portrays the range that Zelda can give.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
every bark box brings your pup more than $40 worth of toys and treats. They'll never look at a cardboard box the same way again. Remember flying down splash mountain and meeting mickey for the first time and don't let the kids have all the fun experience. The magic of walt Disney world for yourself, new to VR or a seasoned pro makes no difference. There's always something more to discover with quest to endless possibilities are ready. Ben and jerry's are like a modern day willy Wonka only they make great ice cream and there's two of them eat the weirdness. It's been said that seeing is believing. That's exactly what we practice at Warby Parker are Tryon at home program lets you sample five frames for free with no commitment to buy. Even old people like them and they don't like anything. Skittles, enjoy the rainbow taste the rainbow. Do you dread washing your hair? Because you don't know what will happen next? Well, don't get all hot and bothered anymore. Not your mother's in a heartbeat hairspray will reduce your blow drying time so you and your hair won't miss a beat