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Voice Acting

How to Describe a Voice By Identifying Key Elements for Voice Description

Keaton Robbins | March 6, 2023

A man with brown hair looks at his phone and speaks into a microphone in front of a blue background.

To describe a voice, begin by recognizing the character or persona the voice actor needs to embody. This involves detailing attributes such as age, gender, and style. 

Describing a person’s voice accurately requires careful listening and understanding. You’ll need to know different vocal characteristics, such as pitch, volume, tone, rhythm, speed, and inflection.

In this article

  1. 3 Steps To Describe Any Voice
  2. Types of Voices 
  3. Breathy
  4. Gruff
  5. Soothing
  6. The Power of Voice Descriptions
  7. Deconstructing Voice Elements
  8. How to Describe Vocal Qualities and Attributes
  9. Pitch and Tone
  10. Volume and Projection
  11. Articulation and Enunciation
  12. Dynamics, Expression & Emotion
  13. Why Is It So Difficult to Describe Certain Vocal Qualities?
  14. The Importance of Mastering this Act
  15. Wrapping Up

3 Steps To Describe Any Voice

To describe a voice effectively:

  1. Define the character, considering age, gender, and style.
  2. Set the desired tone for your project.
  3. Choose fitting keywords that mirror the voice style, like cheerful or approachable for an upbeat and friendly tone.

With practice and patience, anyone can learn how to effectively describe a voice to capture its nuances on paper or in speech. Today, we’ll provide tips on precisely capturing the unique qualities of any given vocal performance.

Types of Voices 

There is so much to learn about different voices; a good starting point is learning about the various types of agents. Some of these include:


A breathy voice is characterized by a deep, gentle tone that resonates with the listener. It has a slower tempo and less volume than other types of agents. Additionally, a breathy voice often carries a kind of musicality or vibrato.

Listen to Charlotte Ann’s Breathy read.


A gruff voice is usually loud and robust, slightly raspy. Its timbre is harsher than other voices, which can help convey a more aggressive or intense emotion. It sometimes can have a fast tempo that can create a sense of urgency and energy.

Listen to Wayne Scott’s Gruff read.


One can use a soothing voice to calm someone down or put them at ease. It has a slow tempo and soft volume, making it excellent for expressing empathy or sympathy. Additionally, this type of voice typically has a smoother tone than other voices. This makes it ideal for creating an atmosphere of relaxation.

Listen to Todd Barsness’ Soothing read.

The Power of Voice Descriptions

Voice descriptions wield the power to transcend the limitations of written language, conveying the timbre, tone, and emotions interwoven within a voice. Crafting an effective voice description requires a meticulous selection of words that resonate with the audience. As seasoned professionals, we comprehend the significance of a well-crafted voice description and its impact on captivating listeners.

Deconstructing Voice Elements

Timbre: The Color of Sound

At the heart of voice descriptions lies the timbre – the auditory fingerprint of a voice. Timbre encompasses the unique texture and color that distinguishes one voice from another. Imagine the warmth of a crackling fire or the gentle rustling of leaves – these metaphors can be woven into descriptions to evoke a tangible sense of the voice’s timbral quality.

Tone: Conveying Emotion

A voice description would be incomplete without delving into the tone. The tone elucidates the emotional undercurrents that the voice carries. Whether it’s the comforting embrace of a familiar voice or the electrifying energy of a motivational speaker, our expertly crafted descriptions capture these emotions, making the voice come alive in the reader’s mind.

Cadence and Pitch: The Rhythm of Speech

Cadence and pitch are the rhythmic heartbeat of speech. A deliberate cadence can evoke authority, while a dynamic pitch range can convey versatility. Through our finely tuned descriptions, we translate these auditory rhythms into words, allowing the reader to anticipate the cadence and pitch of the voice.

How to Describe Vocal Qualities and Attributes

When describing vocal qualities and attributes, there are a few key elements that creative producers and others hiring voice actors mainly look for. Dynamics, expression, and emotion are all crucial factors that combine to create unique vocal qualities. Dynamics refer not only to volume but also to changes in tempo throughout the speech.

These include speeding up during excitement or slowing down when emphasis needs emphasizing. Expression adds color and character through facial expressions like smiling or frowning and hand gestures like pointing or waving.

Emotion conveys the feelings behind the message, whether positive (happiness) or negative (anger). Therefore, all these elements should be taken into account when trying to describe somebody’s voice.

So, let’s get a little deeper into this and learn more about vocal qualities. We can categorize it into four main qualities:

  • Pitch and Tone
  • Volume and Projection
  • Articulation and Enunciation
  • Dynamics, Expression, and Emotion

Pitch and Tone

One can determine the pitch of a voice by the frequency of sound waves produced when speaking or singing. Higher pitches have more frequent sound waves than lower pitches.

The tone of a person’s voice can be described as warm, deep, light, thin, and nasal. The tone is best described by how they use their vocal cords to produce sound.

An excellent way to get an idea of someone’s tone is to ask them to read aloud from a book or magazine article to hear the range of their vocal qualities.

Volume and Projection

How loud or soft someone speaks will determine their volume level. This could range from barely audible whispers to booming shouts that fill an entire room with sound!

Additionally, projection refers to how far away one’s voice carries. Some people may be able to project their voices further than others. This is due to differences in physiology, such as the size and shape of the mouth cavity. It may also be attributed to physical strength for projecting one’s words outwardly into space rather than just speaking directly to someone nearby.

Articulation and Enunciation

Articulation refers specifically to how one pronounces each syllable within a word. Enunciation involves forming those syllables into recognizable words. Listeners can then understand these without any confusion about what was said (e.g., “the cat sat on the mat” vs. “tha caht saht oon thuh maht.”)

Both articulation and enunciation require practice, but once mastered, they become invaluable tools for effective communication between speaker & listener alike.

Dynamics, Expression & Emotion

Dynamics refer not only to volume but also to tempo (speed) changes throughout the speech. This could include speeding up during excitement or slowing down when emphasizing.

Expression is another essential factor that adds color and character through facial expressions. For instance, smiling, frowning, and hand gestures like pointing and waving. Finally, emotion ties it all together as it conveys the feelings behind the message. This may be either positive (happiness) or negative (anger).

Why Is It So Difficult to Describe Certain Vocal Qualities?

It can be hard to describe certain vocal qualities because they are subjective and depend on a variety of factors, such as:

  • Environment
  • Pronunciation
  • Intonation

Different people perceive sounds differently, and even if two people agree on a description for a certain vocal quality, it may not be accurate to everyone else who hears it.

Another reason why describing certain vocal qualities can be difficult is because they are often quite complex and multi-faceted. For instance, someone’s singing style could include elements of both power and delicacy. Finding words that accurately capture all these different aspects can be challenging.

Moreover, some singers have such unique voices that they defy easy categorization or description. This makes them particularly hard to explain in words. This uniqueness also means that any attempt at verbalizing their sound will likely fall short of conveying its true essence. After all, you can’t put something as intangible as music into mere words.

Finally, people’s voices vary significantly due to age, gender, health, and cultural background.

The Importance of Mastering this Act

By accurately describing the vocal qualities and attributes you are looking for, you can make sure that you are casting the right voice for whatever project or task you may have.

Honing your description skills enables you to collaborate better with other creatives and voice talent to create a holistic and powerful performance. Truly mastering how to describe a voice requires patience, practice, creativity, and an eye for detail.

Wrapping Up

Learning to describe a voice accurately is essential for any creative producer, voice talent, or artist. It allows you to capture the unique qualities of a voice and communicate them effectively to others.

By mastering this skill, you will be better equipped to identify the elements that make each voice unique. You can also express them in ways others may not think of, creating an even richer result than when words alone are used. 

Read our blog on how to increase vocal control.

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