Wayne Scott Gruff and Grisly

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Some growly, gravelly and otherwise gruff fellas

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (South West - Texas)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
last bring a ragtag group of roughing and saddled up and hit the dusty trail in search of the hidden gyms that make them snow sliding Son of a gun. So gosh darn happy. Ah, walked road. Since the start alone, one step ahead of death, there might be safety in numbers, but in the end I go my own way. So if you veer left when they turn right, you go up when they dropped down. If you're ready to leave what you know behind and just go, you'll be surprised where different take you. Great, Let's get the guns on the cliff. They aren't for sale early. Offshore oil and gas production in harsh conditions is a complex operation. Powerful environmental forces like wind currents and waves affect the daily operation. Grab a beer in a basket, eat like a legend. River Smith's You'll be hooked at first by a grandad gave me this name, said a good one would see if you thinking thinned. He is right tonight, sir. Where in the thick land stewardship means making sure you're keeping your force land healthy so generations to come will be able to enjoy it. Remember, there's more tone and land and hunting and paying the taxes on it. This is not just music, baby. This is a show. Checked a club for scheduled show dates and times the man, the legend deejay voodoo Daddy is coming and only right here.