Search results for Promotion

A man with blue eyes and gray hair smiles and looks at the camera as he stacks coins in several rows.
Voice Acting
Royalties, Distribution, Promotion and More: Answers...

From royalties to promotion and distribution, there's a lot to consider when it comes to audiobook post production. Get the scoop here!

A man wearing a ballcap and headphones has his back turned to the camera as he speaks into a microphone in an isobooth
Personal Branding & Promotion for Voice Actors

Ever wonder what makes the difference between a professional voice actor and a beginner? Learn about the impact of branding & promotion here.

Woman with brown hair in front of a computer and mic, looking at a voice script for a commercial.
Voice Over Sample Scripts for Clients and Voice Talent

Use these free voice over sample scripts to help write your next voice over script or use them to practice your voice over skills.

A mechanic using a socket wrench under the hood of a car, representing a selection of automotive commercial sample scripts.
Voice Acting
Automotive Commercial Sample Scripts

Rev your voice over skills with these automotive commercial scripts, showcasing a battery-powered automaker, a used car dealership and more.

Smiling young woman sitting in front of a laptop and microphone recording a podcast.
Podcast Intro Sample Scripts

A razor-sharp podcast intro script is the best way to start off each episode of your pod on the right foot. Use these scripts for practice!

Woman sitting at desk, writing in a notebook to her right, computer in front of her, and a podcasting mic to her left. She is planning a podcast.
How to Create a Podcast Plan: A Step-by-Step Strategy...

Learn how to create a podcast plan, write a podcast script, plan your segments and start producing quality podcast episodes today.

A realtor giving a home tour to a couple.
Real Estate Sample Scripts

Take a tour through these real estate sample scripts that will inspire you to create a real estate ad of your own.

A smartphone with the word podcast and a microphone icon in purple on the screen, representing a podcast trailer playing on a smart device.
The Power of the Podcast Trailer: 10 Unbeatable...

Let's discover what goes into creating a great podcast trailer so that your show doesn't get lost in the vast world of podcasts.

A man walking with a cart in a hardware store.
Voice Acting
Home Improvement Store Radio Ad Script

Are you looking to create a home improvement commercial? These sample scripts can help guide you and inspire you to create a compelling commercial.

How Do You Advertise on Pandora?

Brands are extending their reach with digital audio advertising, particularly through Pandora ads. Read our in-depth guide to find out why.

Dark-haired woman listening to audio recording generated from text to speech software at a museum
What Is Text to Speech Software Used For?

From finance to tourism, text to speech software is changing many professional fields. Discover the 5 key industries that have adopted TTS.

Realism in advertising represented by a man wearing headphones and using a smartphone.
How to Amplify Realism in Advertising

Here are some of the ways that brands amplify realism in advertising through diversity and inclusion, social causes and values, and ASMR and Foley effects.

Showing 1-12 of 89 Articles