
Voice Over Sample Scripts for Clients and Voice Talent

Tara Parachuk | May 1, 2024

Woman with brown hair in front of a computer and mic, looking at a voice script for a commercial.

If you’re looking to script a commercial but need some help with the writing and artistic direction — or if you just want some voice over practice scripts — these samples, organized by industry, will help you to succeed.

Each script features a fictional company and contains artistic direction and demographic information. You can use them as inspiration and a guide to help build your understanding of how audio scripts are formatted.

In this article

  1. How to Use This Voice Over Sample Script Library
  2. Clients Looking for Voice Over Scripts
  3. Voice Actors Looking for Voice Over Practice Scripts
  4. How Do I Practice Voice Over?
  5. What Voice Over Scripts Should I Use for My Demo?
  6. Free Voice Over Scripts
  7. Car Commercial Scripts
  8. Entertainment Commercial Scripts
  9. Events and Special Occasion Commercial Scripts
  10. Explainer Video Scripts
  11. Financial and Banking Commercial Scripts
  12. Healthcare Scripts
  13. Real Estate Video Scripts
  14. Retail Commercial Scripts
  15. Travel Commercial Scripts
  16. Video Game Scripts
  17. Movie Trailer Scripts
  18. Talking Toy Scripts
  19. Scripts for Non-Profit Ads
  20. Scripts for Seasonal Ads
  21. Narration Scripts
  22. Technical Scripts
  23. Insurance Scripts
  24. Smart Speaker Scripts
  25. Podcast Intro Scripts
  26. Product Demo Video Scripts
  27. Vocal Warm Ups

How to Use This Voice Over Sample Script Library

Clients Looking for Voice Over Scripts

These scripts include specifications like voice age (young adult), gender, job description, role (guy next door), accent (British RP), etc., much like voice over job postings on Voices.

So if you’re looking for a voice actor, the next time you post a job on Voices, you’ll know what job posting format will bring about the best auditions. This formatting helps voice actors to understand better the vision you had for your project and bring it to life in their read.

Voice Actors Looking for Voice Over Practice Scripts

The first requirement as a voice actor, although it may seem obvious, is that you should be able to read well out loud. Even the most enthusiastic bookworms have trouble articulating a well-phrased passage when asked to do so out loud.

Imagine if you were at an in-person audition and were asked to read a script that you have never seen before. The stakes are high — a potential job or role is hanging in the balance, and landing that role solely depends on your ability to read on demand … this is called a cold read

If you have the grace of time, consider the following when starting with any of the scripts below.

How Do I Practice Voice Over?

Practicing should be a part of your regimen as a serious voice actor.

But how to practice voice acting can be challenging if you don’t have scripts to work from, or someone coaching along the work.

Let’s start with scripts. Below, you’ll find dozens of examples of scripts that you can use freely, answering your first question about how to practice voice acting.

When you pick up a script, you will need to have a feel for the text, study it, know its internal rhythm and make note of appropriate places to breathe. You’ll also need to know how to change the mood of your voice (tone) and how to consistently carry a theme or interpretation for the vocal marathon ahead. This is particularly true about narration and documentary voice overs.

Practice by reading the scripts below aloud while following the creative direction provided in the brief. Record yourself reading and listen back to critique yourself. Listen for:

  • Your breathing. As mentioned above, you may want to make notes about when to take a breath, which will become apparent after you record and listen back the first time.
  • Your pace, pitch, projection and pauses. Are you speaking really quickly? Is your cadence suiting the situation within the script? Are you speaking unnaturally loudly for a conversational script?  
  • The background noise of your recordings. If you’re sitting in the space you intend to record for clients, are there noises from your surroundings in the audio? Like a bus going by outside, the TV on in the next room, the footsteps of your upstairs neighbors? 

While this list isn’t a comprehensive guide to voice over practice, it’s a great place to start.

What Voice Over Scripts Should I Use for My Demo?

Feel free to use these sample voice over scripts! Keep in mind when auditioning for jobs, it is recommended to only provide a small portion of the read in your demo. For example, a 7 to 15-second read of a 30-second voice over script will suffice for your audition demo.

Free Voice Over Scripts

Car Commercial Scripts

A mechanic using a ratchet on an engine.

Promote what’s new in stock, highlight what needs to move off your lot and motivate customers to buy a new vehicle today with these automotive commercial scripts.

Entertainment Commercial Scripts

A group of people watching a movie and being entertained.

These entertainment industry sample scripts help promote new and exciting media, like television shows and sports programs. Plus, these scripts also come complete with ideas for casting, music selections and interpretation.

Events and Special Occasion Commercial Scripts

A group of people watching an event.

Craft commercials for your upcoming event with these event and special occasion sample scripts.

Explainer Video Scripts

A phone held up with a photo of a dog on it.

Explainer videos can help you outline your brand’s raison d’être in a captivating and informative manner. Underscore what makes you tick with a snappy and compelling explainer video.

Financial and Banking Commercial Scripts

An animated image of a man and a woman standing in front of a bank on a green background.

If you work in the banking industry, you may do everything from commercial scripts to training scripts. Check out the following sample scripts for help and inspiration in every stage of your journey:

Healthcare Scripts

Doctors sitting at a computer.

Healthcare is an important field that touches so many people. When writing for this subject, these sample scripts for healthcare institutions contain guidelines and considerations.

Real Estate Video Scripts

Realtor showing a couple a home.

If you’re a realtor, a builder, or someone trying to sell their own home, you’ll find these real estate sample scripts to be a useful resource when producing a commercial for buying or selling property.

Retail Commercial Scripts

A woman shopping for clothing and holding up a top.

Whether you’re looking to introduce people to your shop or get them in the door for a special promotion, these retail commercial scripts will give you the foundation you need.

Travel Commercial Scripts

A couple wearing backpacks travelling through a field of grass and brush.

Producing a commercial that invites your target audience to travel the world and see the sights can be an exciting adventure. These scripts for the travel industry are great for businesses and tour groups.

Video Game Scripts

A cartoon image of a hero and a villain flying through the sky towards each other to begin a battle.

Voicing a video game script can be entertaining, and if you’re new to the video game industry, these scripts can help prepare you for the role. Check out this range of video game scripts:

Movie Trailer Scripts

A young male vagabond is walking in the barren desert-like wilderness with a film crew following close behind.

Whether you’re looking to play the part in an upcoming movie, or are looking for ways to make your movie trailer scripts enticing, these voice over sample scripts will help you on your way to movie stardom.

Talking Toy Scripts

A talking robot toy holding pliers and a wrench.

Creating the next great talking toy? Or looking to be the voice of the next popular toy? Get your practice in with these voice over practice scripts for talking toys

Scripts for Non-Profit Ads

A woman with brown curly hair writing in a notebook.

Creating a non-profit ad requires thought and deliberate choice, all while sticking to a (sometimes) strict budget. Whether you are the creator of the ads or the voice behind the ads, here are a few sample voice over practice scripts to help you get the ball rolling.

Scripts for Seasonal Ads

An enter sign covered in snow against a background of pine boughs.

Getting ready for the next big holiday? Seasonal advertising means capturing your audience’s attention from the get-go. If you want to create the best seasonal ad or be the voice of a seasonal ad, check out this seasonal voice over sample script to get started.

Narration Scripts

A person reading a book with many other open books surrounding them.

Whether you are looking to get into the audiobook field as a narrator or publisher, there are several genres you can enter. Try your hand at these narration scripts:

Technical Scripts

Woman at a computer studying

Have you created a technical script and are unsure of how to communicate complicated words to your voice actor? Or are you a voice actor who is faced with a script riddled with technical jargon? Here are technical voice over practice scripts to help you on your way.

Insurance Scripts

A man and a woman standing in front of a house and a car while exploring insurance options. The woman is holding an umbrella.

Whether you need to create a script for your insurance explainer video or an advertisement for an insurance company, get inspired by these sample scripts tailored for the insurance industry. Or practice your best insurance voice for an audition or demo!

Smart Speaker Scripts

An illustrated image of a man and a woman in a living room standing beside a smart speaker.

Voice-enabled technology is growing day by day, and every industry is expected to provide voice-activated Skills, Actions, or apps for smart speakers. Check out these smart speaker sample scripts:

Podcast Intro Scripts

Smiling young woman sitting in front of a laptop and microphone recording a podcast.

A core tenet of podcasting is grabbing your listeners’ attention from the get-go with a snappy opening. These podcast intro scripts demonstrate how to give a sneak preview into your episode’s content and compel your audience to keep listening.

Product Demo Video Scripts

A man wearing a virtual reality headset stands before colleagues in an office space.

Introduce audiences to your product by showing off how it works with a slick and instructive product demo internet video.

Vocal Warm Ups

A close up of a woman singing into a condenser microphone.

It’s important to warm up your voice beIt’s important to warm up your voice before you step into your booth or even begin your practice. There are a few tips and tricks you can follow to ensure that you warm up your voice correctly and avoid putting your vocal cords at risk of strain. Check out some of the best vocal warm-ups you can do to maintain a healthy voice.

Sign up as a client to find the perfect voice for your job, or sign up as a talent to start booking voice over work today!

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  • Avatar for Linda Lee
    Linda Lee
    August 25, 2018, 2:49 pm

    Had a heck of a time finding the sample scripts area – any tips on what I should have searched for or how to get here again because I don[‘t remember the succession of clicks I did to get here? I want to do a demo for the category Documentaries. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    • Avatar for Tanya
      August 27, 2018, 8:13 am

      Hi Linda,
      First off – we’re sorry that this took a while to find!
      To make it easier to get to next time, you can find all of our sample scripts by going to the ‘resources’ section of our blog. On the top navigation, you’ll see headings titled ‘blog,’ ‘for voice actors’ ‘for clients’ ‘announcements’ and ‘resources.’ If you hover over resources, a menu drops down that indicates sample scripts.

      Alternatively, you can also go to the search field and search for ‘scripts’ and the results will bring you to a number of voice over sample script articles.

      I hope this helps!

      Thank you for reading and all the best,
      – Tanya

    • Avatar for Amanda L.
      Amanda L.
      December 9, 2021, 5:19 pm

      Bookmark? I mean, that’s what I did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Generically Google searched “voice over scripts” and this was the first hit, leading me directly to this page. ^-^ Good luck!!

      • Avatar for George
        April 18, 2022, 4:58 pm

        That’s good.

  • Avatar for Jonas E
    Jonas E
    October 22, 2018, 10:32 am

    Very useful resources you’ve got here. I had a small voice-over-script project I needed ideas for, and your sample resources were helpful. Thanks.

  • Avatar for Laeva barbosa
    Laeva barbosa
    November 3, 2018, 5:42 pm

    Je veux été chanteuse je veux participes ces mon rêve

  • Avatar for Gabriella Davalos
    Gabriella Davalos
    January 23, 2019, 6:16 pm

    Are the sample scripts public domain? I wouldn’t mind using a few for a demo?

    • Avatar for Tanya
      January 24, 2019, 1:05 pm

      Hi Gabriella,
      Yes they are! We’d LOVE it if you would use them for your demo! That’s exactly what we were hoping they’d be used for.
      Thank you for asking – and happy recording!
      – Tanya

  • Avatar for Zinobia
    April 6, 2019, 3:08 am

    Do you have any practice scripts in French for any of the categories listed above? If so, could you please share them with me, or tell me where I could find them.
    Thank you for your help.

    • Avatar for Tanya
      April 10, 2019, 7:49 am

      Hi Zinobia,
      Excellent question! Currently, we don’t have practice scripts available in French – however, the fact that French is one of our most popularly sought-after languages in voice over (plus – your comment asking for French scripts) has made me take note that this is something to explore creating in the near future. Thank you for the inspiration! I’m sorry we don’t have more to offer you at this time, but please stay tuned 🙂
      – Tanya

      • Avatar for Josh Rachlis
        Josh Rachlis
        March 24, 2023, 2:09 pm

        Do you have any French scripts yet? There’s a job posted asking for a French demo.

      • Avatar for keaton
        March 24, 2023, 2:34 pm

        Unfortunately not but it’s something we’d like to start offering in the future!

  • Avatar for Eli Behlok
    Eli Behlok
    June 8, 2019, 11:18 am

    Some feedback on scripts in general. I find that many of your scripts are using words and sentences that are unnecessarily long. This makes it difficult to enunciate well without sounding like you’re reading from a script. It’s much better to simplify the words used and break up sentences into smaller pieces. These should sound more conversational and then they will be easier for the listener to comprehend. Don’t make the listener work hard to hear the message.

  • Avatar for Tris
    June 11, 2019, 4:53 pm

    Hi. Are there any dialogue scripts or other scripts other than the talking toy ones?

  • Avatar for nawel
    September 14, 2019, 7:03 pm

    hi Tanya

    what recording application do you work with and how to create demo with which scripts thank you for answering me

    • Avatar for Tanya
      September 17, 2019, 2:39 pm

      Hi Nawel,
      Thanks for reading!
      We’ve written about some popular recording software programs here: In general, we’ve noticed that different people will have a different preference, so feel free to find what works for you.
      You’re free to create a demo with any of the voice over sample scripts we’ve published. There are many links in the article that you’re commenting on here. Whichever one you like – you can use 🙂
      All the best & happy recording,
      – Tanya

  • Avatar for Marc
    September 29, 2019, 5:49 am

    Those are very good resources, thanks for sharing.

  • Avatar for John Ruth
    John Ruth
    October 7, 2019, 9:37 am

    Thanks for share this post for us. Its very very helpful for all of us.

  • Avatar for Nigel
    November 4, 2019, 5:07 am

    Great article!

  • Avatar for wordpar29
    February 25, 2020, 5:15 am

    I am very happy when read this blog post because blog post written in good manner and write on good topic. Thanks for sharing valuable information.

  • Avatar for Emma
    April 20, 2020, 7:53 pm

    Trying to find a voice over script for a cartoon on disney channel is hard!!?

  • Avatar for Kevin Garcia
    Kevin Garcia
    May 30, 2020, 11:10 am

    Hello! I was wondering If I could use some of the example scripts as a demo to show my talent.

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      June 1, 2020, 9:44 am

      Hey Kevin,

      You’re more than welcome to use these sample scripts for your demo!

      Happy recording,

  • Avatar for Matthew Donnelly
    Matthew Donnelly
    June 17, 2020, 9:09 am

    Hello! I was possibly wondering if i could use two of these scripts for a short vocal reel I am making – these would go to casting directors for voice over considerations. I am just concerned about copyright as I wouldn’t want to take credit for these scripts and get into trouble!

    If you had any advice or an answer for me that would be fantastic.

    Thank you so much!

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      June 17, 2020, 10:33 am

      Hey Matthew,

      Thanks for asking! All of the sample scripts featured here were composed by our in-house writers. They’re original and royalty-free. You’re more than welcome to use them for your vocal reel.

      Happy recording,

  • Avatar for Stephanie keith F Sison
    Stephanie keith F Sison
    August 10, 2020, 10:46 am

    I want to give it a try i am a female 14 yrs old

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      August 11, 2020, 10:33 am

      Hey Stephanie,

      When you sign up for a Voices talent account, you can begin auditioning for voice over jobs that are listed on our platform.


  • Avatar for Anil Mani
    Anil Mani
    September 29, 2020, 1:32 am

    I have been a voice Over Artist for almost 30 yrs and a voice coach for about 25 years. I would love to get some more opportunities to do Audio Books as I feel that story telling is my forte. I have had the opportunity to do some International best sellers which were well received. I would appreciate any guidance in this direction.

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      September 30, 2020, 4:03 pm

      Hi Anil,

      For more audiobook voice acting opportunities, I’d encourage you to sign up for a Voices talent account. Since audiobooks are the category of voice over work that most interests you, you’ll be able to list this directly on your profile.

  • Avatar for Debra Jean Baker
    Debra Jean Baker
    October 2, 2020, 10:13 am

    Totally new to this game. Read alot advice for equipment. About to rehearsing to make a demo. What do you suggest for a newbie? (Great scripts to start practicing!)

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      October 2, 2020, 11:05 am

      Hey Debra,

      Check out our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting to familiarize yourself with the voice acting industry, or our YouTube channel to get acquainted with using our platform. Then, once you feel up to it, sign up for a Voices talent account and begin auditioning for voice over work.

  • Avatar for Allan Lee Wischmeyer
    Allan Lee Wischmeyer
    October 6, 2020, 6:34 pm

    Where are the internet video scripts? How do I access them?

  • Avatar for Mohamed Aidjouli
    Mohamed Aidjouli
    October 9, 2020, 6:32 pm

    Very useful resources you’ve got here. I’m just started as a voice actor and I don’t know much if somebody can afford me some information about it I’ll be glad

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      October 13, 2020, 9:47 am

      Hey Mohamed! You may benefit from taking a look at our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting. It’s filled with a lot of useful tips on getting started in voice acting.

  • Avatar for Valorie Franklin
    Valorie Franklin
    December 5, 2020, 2:13 pm

    I am interested in voice acting and have not done it before, could you make me aware of voice over forums. I am not employed and not able to pay for instruction until I have income.

  • Avatar for DPN Talent
    DPN Talent
    December 18, 2020, 5:30 am

    Awesome blog!

  • Avatar for Sidra
    December 31, 2020, 4:21 am

    I want to get new ideas about voiceover work

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      January 4, 2021, 10:26 am

      Hi Sidra,

      Feel free to peruse the Voice Over category of our blog, where you’re sure to encounter many new ideas about voice over work.

  • Avatar for Trevor M
    Trevor M
    January 19, 2021, 2:57 am

    Wow. Very nice thanks. Very helpful

  • Avatar for Renard Versher
    Renard Versher
    January 29, 2021, 5:14 pm

    Very interested, need more help with the explanations of what exactly I will need to do to get started!!!

    • Avatar for Oliver Skinner
      Oliver Skinner
      February 2, 2021, 10:22 am

      Hi Renard,

      I’d suggest checking out our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting. It’s a helpful introduction to the world of voice acting and how to be successful on Voices.

  • Avatar for Irene De Jose Gonzales
    Irene De Jose Gonzales
    April 13, 2021, 10:24 am

    I’m just confusing where I can send my voice over audition. Can you give me an information regarding this and how can I start.

  • Avatar for Anna Marie
    Anna Marie
    April 30, 2021, 5:17 pm

    Dug around for awhile and didn’t seem to have much luck. Are there Business category scripts here as well?

  • Avatar for Okpuzor prosper
    Okpuzor prosper
    September 27, 2021, 5:20 pm

    Hello… I’m glad to be in this platform..but I don’t know how to get started and also how to find a client

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      September 29, 2021, 10:53 am

      Hi Okpuzor,

      Glad to have you, and happy to help!
      If you haven’t already made an account, you can make one here.

      Once your account is all set up, take a read through our getting started guide. It is very helpful in outlining how you can find clients using your Voices profile.



  • Avatar for Maryam ajala
    Maryam ajala
    October 11, 2021, 3:31 pm

    I just registered as a voice assistant and as a voice animator, where can I apply and how soon can I be able to get a job.

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      October 12, 2021, 8:37 am

      Hi Maryam,

      Welcome! If you’ve signed up and created a Voices profile, make sure you are completing the profile to its fullest to maximize your chances of being found and hired by clients. Feel free to use these sample scripts to create demos to add to your profile. You’ll find all kinds of profile optimization tips in this Getting Started Guide.

  • Avatar for Joseph chimene
    Joseph chimene
    October 18, 2021, 7:00 am

    Had a heck of a time finding the sample scripts area – any tips on what I should have searched for or how to get here again because I don[‘t remember the succession of clicks I did to get here? I want to do a demo for the category Documentaries. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciat it

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      October 20, 2021, 8:38 am

      Hi Joseph!

      Wow what incredible feedback! Thank you so much for telling us the script library is difficult to navigate to. Sometimes we’re just too close to something to see where improvements are needed. Without your comment we wouldn’t have known there were roadblocks standing between the user and the sample scripts.

      I’m adding this to the to-do list: improve visibility on sample scripts.
      What an excellent suggestion, I will be making it a priority in the up coming quarter.

      In the meantime, maybe bookmark the page or add it as a favorite in your browser?

      Thanks again Joseph!


  • Avatar for Tragg Tew
    Tragg Tew
    November 11, 2021, 7:51 am

    Everyone Says that my voice sounds exactly like Charlie Day the actor that has been in many films like Horrible Bosses I am wondering if there are any voice overs for his type of sound and voice

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      November 16, 2021, 9:00 am

      Hello Tragg!

      That’s such a great compliment to receive! If you want to see if voice acting is for you, the sample scripts is a great place to start, as is our Getting Started Guide. It will bring to light many of the considerations you need to make before deciding to get into voice acting. Give it a thorough read, and if it feels right, sign up for an account and set up your profile!

      Best of luck,


  • Avatar for Tumelo Motlengoa
    Tumelo Motlengoa
    December 7, 2021, 4:44 am

    Tis is a learning curve for me and one I hope to prosper as I like to read

  • Avatar for Christopher
    December 30, 2021, 2:01 am

    I’m wondering if we can use like a real book or real magazine for our translation portofolio?

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      January 3, 2022, 8:51 am

      Hi Christopher,

      You absolutely can! The only caveat is that it needs to be from the Public Domain (PD) to avoid copyright infringements. The good news is that Public Domain literature is vast! Check out Project Gutenberg, its a trusted source for PD ebooks, I’m sure you’ll find something in there you’ll enjoy reading, which will come through in your translation.

      Thanks for your question,


  • Avatar for Itungo Kukundakwe
    Itungo Kukundakwe
    January 7, 2022, 12:17 am

    Is there a chance of an African (to be specific, East Africa) Voice over artist getting work here? The reason I ask is because most of the scripts require American accents. And while I don’t sound typically East African, I also don’t sound American, hahaha

    Also can I use the sample scripts in this blog even though in specifications, all require non African accents?

    Thank you for your response!

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      January 12, 2022, 9:00 am

      Hi Itungo!

      Thanks for reaching out. You can absolutely use these sample scripts for your demos! The creative direction we provide is doing 2 things: it gives clients an example of how they can describe their project when they go to post a job, and it gives voice actors different vocal challenges. You can expand on those in any way you’d like. They are fictitious and royalty free.

      Now, your other question. There is also something to be said about sounding authentic. While many of our practice scripts say “American” accent, we see many jobs being posted where there is no accent specified! It’s become an area of focus for clients as they expand their diversity and inclusion efforts within their projects. So yes, there are ample opportunities for a voice actor with your accent. Sometimes the job might specify an East African accent, and sometimes the job will be open for all voice actors regardless of accent to audition for!

      And, thank you for pointing out that most of the scripts call for American accents. Future updates to these pieces will include more open ended practice scripts to help remedy this concern for others.

      I hope that helps.



  • Avatar for Rehana Shaenaz Bi
    Rehana Shaenaz Bi
    January 18, 2022, 4:35 am

    I would like to do voice over part time job to help my family meet the daily needs.

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      January 18, 2022, 8:23 am

      Hi Rehana,

      We hear that a lot and, yes, there are many voice actors who do this part time. I see you’ve already found our practice sample scripts. That’s a great place to start! I’ll also recommend our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting. It’s a great resource for figuring our where to go from here.



  • Avatar for Teju Veesa
    Teju Veesa
    February 2, 2022, 6:36 am

    Hi i want to submit my voice for voice over and podcasting opportunities. Can you please guide me how the ‘Voices’ can help me.

    • Avatar for Niki Clark
      Niki Clark
      February 2, 2022, 10:20 am

      Hi Teju,

      You can get started by signing up for an accout on Voices, recording some demos of yourself and adding them to your profile for clients to hear. Take a read through our getting started guide to get a better understanding of everything involved in becoming a voice actor.



  • Avatar for Bob McCullough
    Bob McCullough
    March 17, 2022, 7:06 am

    How do we get connected as a Voiceover Artist?

    • Avatar for Tara Parachuk
      Tara Parachuk
      April 7, 2022, 12:03 pm

      Hi Bob. The simple answer: Sign up for an account on Voices, record some demos of yourself, and upload them to your profile!

      To understand the ins and outs of how to do all of that, start by reading our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting.

      Hope that helps and Happy Auditioning.

  • Avatar for John chigiti SC
    John chigiti SC
    April 26, 2022, 11:48 pm


  • Avatar for Isaac Belgrave
    Isaac Belgrave
    May 17, 2022, 7:54 pm

    These practice scripts are really helpful! I have some questions though. I’m interested in getting into narration/voice acting and I’m struggling with what I should use as a demo. I just want to be certain; are these scripts free to use for the demo’s I want to record? If not, are there any free demo’s out there that can be referred to me?

  • Avatar for Marcela Andalon
    Marcela Andalon
    July 19, 2023, 2:53 pm

    Do you have scripts for Spanish voice overs?
    I’ve been working as voice talent for telephone banking industry only, looking to branch out and getting more jobs.
    I need to work on a demo also.
    Thank you!

    • Avatar for keaton
      July 24, 2023, 10:25 am

      Hey there Marcela, unfortunately we only have English scripts at this time but it is something I will take back to our team.

  • Avatar for Any Assembly
    Any Assembly
    September 13, 2023, 3:54 am

    Thanks for sharing this grate article.

  • Avatar for Joshua M.
    Joshua M.
    October 9, 2023, 7:41 pm

    Hey, I was looking at the different sample scripts and I noticed that some of the links just don’t exist. Specifically every link in the Video Game Scripts section except for the Strong Female Lead script. I just wanted to know if this was a mistake, or if they simply broke.

    • Avatar for keaton
      December 5, 2023, 8:45 am

      Thanks for noticing Joshua, they should be fixed now!

  • Avatar for Dan greybek
    Dan greybek
    February 7, 2024, 1:51 pm

    Looking for scripts for a demo tape.

    • Avatar for Keaton Robbins
      Keaton Robbins
      February 8, 2024, 10:22 am

      Hey Dan, within this blog below ‘Free Voice Over Scripts’ is over 30 free sample scripts for demos!

  • Avatar for John Madsen
    John Madsen
    June 25, 2024, 3:07 pm

    How can I ensure confidentiality from the voice actor I hire.
