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Various data points are displayed on a lit up screen.
Voice Acting
Why Voice Actors Should Use Analytics on their Website

Your voice acting website can do more than inform your clients about your services, it can also serve up some valuable data.

A man with blue eyes and gray hair smiles and looks at the camera as he stacks coins in several rows.
Voice Acting
Royalties, Distribution, Promotion and More: Answers...

From royalties to promotion and distribution, there's a lot to consider when it comes to audiobook post production. Get the scoop here!

A woman types on a blue typewriter
Voice Acting
Bobette Buster on The Art of Storytelling

She's a storytelling guru with the chops and the cred to back it up. Bobette Buster shares her insights on what makes masterful storytelling.

teacup, coffee cup, coffee, sugar cubes, vinyl record
Remembering Stuart McLean, Canada’s Storyteller

A tribute to Stuart McLean who touched the hearts of Canadians by chronicling the lives of his beloved Dave and Morley, on "The Vinyl Cafe."

A close up of a fan-made R2D2 robot
Voice Acting
Life as an Astromech: How a Film Fan is Giving Back...

You never know how your passion projects and life’s ambitions will intersect. How a fan built an R2D2 to spec and is using it to give back.

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Running Your Own Business

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor , recently moderated a panel discussion on how to run and grow your voice acting business.

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Customer Service Philosophies

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor, recently moderated a panel discussion on how to build relationships with clients and other critical aspects to customer...

Woman at microphone with both hands on headphones
Voice Acting
Introverts: Does Auditioning Energize or Drain You?

From our research, introverts prefer voice acting because it allows them to work from home in relative seclusion while interacting with others on their own...

Understanding the Role of Voice-Over in Advertising and Beyond | Blog - Where clients and voice actors can find valuable information on pre-production, technology, animation, video and audio production, home recording studios, business growth, voice acting and auditions, celebrity voice actors, voiceover industry news and more!
Voice Acting
Understanding the Role of Voice Over in Advertising...

The need for voice over is expanding as technology evolves. Most popularly right now: audiobooks, gaming, and voice activated devices.

An opera singer singing with his hands up
Vocal Health
Where Does Your Voice Naturally Shine?

it is far more common for a voice actor or singer to capitalize on the lower range of his or her instrument than its higher range.

People having snacks and watching a movie in a theater.
Entertainment Commercial Sample Scripts

Get inspired to write or practice your voice over skills, with this sample sports script and television show commercial script!

A compact disc being created
Voice Acting
History of the Compact Disc

From CD-ROM, DVD and Blu-Ray, the history of the compact disc shows that this form of media has had a long and interesting journey.

Showing 121-132 of 134 Articles