Search results for working from home

A man with blue eyes and gray hair smiles and looks at the camera as he stacks coins in several rows.
Voice Acting
Royalties, Distribution, Promotion and More: Answers...

From royalties to promotion and distribution, there's a lot to consider when it comes to audiobook post production. Get the scoop here!

The hands of five people are placed on a table, each one working away at a puzzle or sketching out a solution to a problem.
Voice Acting
Hiring a VO? 5 Tips to Set Your Voice Over Project Up...

Save time and money. These 5 tips for Voices clients can help you get your voice over project completed efficiently and effectively.

Man relaxing on a beach
Voice Acting
Everything You Need to Record Voice Over When on...

Everyone needs a vacation, but what if you still want the option to complete voice over work? Here's how to record your voice from anywhere.

A mixed media image shows a real person's hand 'walking' up a set of illustrated stairs that are adorned with images like lightbulbs, word blurbs, keys and words like success, yes, and goal.
Voice Acting
Top Podcasts for Storytellers and Creative Entrepreneurs

Being in a creative job is amazing, but staying creative can be a challenge. Stay inspired with podcasts for storytellers and entrepreneurs.

A close up of a script describes a scene between a police man and a robber
Voice Acting
Recording a Demo: How to Choose the Right Script for You

Once know that you’re ready to record, having the right voice over demo script becomes fundamentally important. Here's how to find one.

female, actress, talent, actor, auditioning, auditions
Tips for Living the La La Land #ActorsLife

Has auditioning changed much over the years? If you enjoyed Singing in the Rain, you'll love La La Land and this modern take on auditioning.

A microphone sits in focus while the background of empty chairs in a conference venue is hazy
Voice Acting
Voice Over Pros: LevelUp Your Career in NYC

Join Voices, industry peers, experts and coaches for this intensive one-day event for those who want to level up their voice over career.

Little girl with a cape on stands at the top of a building with the wind in her hair
Voice Acting
Finding Voice Acting Success Against the Odds

David J. Goldfarb has worked for Disney and Nintendo, to name a few. How this award winning voice actor turned hearing loss into success.

A stack of newspapers
Writing for the Web: Communicating in Headlines

Whether condensing stories to 140 characters or building ‘scannable’ web copy, writing in headlines has never been more useful. Learn how.

An artist's sketch of a office with a staircase in blue and grey
Voice Acting
There is an Exciting Movement Happening in the World...

The form of our workplace is undergoing an evolution - it's becoming much more 'human,' again. Learn more on Herman Miller's Living Office.

A group of several people with different ages
Voice Acting
Does Age Discrimination Affect Voice Actors?

How much does an actor's age figure into a casting decision? A new law prohibits entertainment websites from posting an actor's age.

Does Practice Make Perfect? 4 Steps You’ll Want...

4 tips for practicing your voice over script for an audition: be consistent, be diverse, have fun, and make it count!

Showing 157-168 of 180 Articles