Search results for Audio Editing Tricks

Radio station setup with microphone and pop filter
How to Edit Podcast Sound Effects, Music & Dialogue

Using sound effects, music, and dialogue, you can bind the various segments of a podcast into one unified whole. Learn how to edit a podcast.

Woman and man sitting at opposite ends of desk, with headphones on.
Best Practices for Marketing Your Podcast in 2024

When it comes to marketing your podcast, there’s no shortage of tips, tricks, and best practices. This blog will help you reach success at each stage.

The Voices Insiders
Voice Acting
What are The Best Books and Podcasts for Voice Actors?

Take your voice acting knowledge a level deeper with the best books and podcasts for voice actors recommended by the experts.

The Voices Insiders
Voice Acting
Unconventional Voice Over Tips from Professional Voice Actors

Become a master of productivity with this collection of out-of-the-box and unconventional voice over tips shared by the Voices Insiders.

Vocal Health
Keeping Hydrated and Moisturized for Healthy Voice...

Having trouble keeping a consistent sound when recording? Discover some great tricks to rid yourself of mouth problems when recording voice overs.

A woman using an accessible device
Screen Readers and Other Tools for Accessibility

Sammi Grant shares the screen reader she uses and other tools that can help with accessibility for visually impaired voice actors.

A home recording studio
Voice Acting
How to be More Productive in the Recording Studio

Use these home recording studio productivity tips on batch processing, hotkeys, time management, to make the most of your time in the studio.

A microphone sits in focus while the background of empty chairs in a conference venue is hazy
Voice Acting
Voice Over Pros: LevelUp Your Career in NYC

Join Voices, industry peers, experts and coaches for this intensive one-day event for those who want to level up their voice over career.

Pink banner that says LevelUp San Francisco
Voice Over Beginners: LevelUp Your Career in San...

Beginning voice actor? Want to stand out from the crowd? Learn from industry coaches and voice actor mentors. Get info on presenters today!

Showing 13-21 of 21 Articles