Search results for John Cho

Female lead actor in front of a camera on an outdoor film set.
Voice Acting
Movie Trailer Voice Over Sample Scripts: Female Lead

This sample movie trailer voice over script is great for you to practice a voice for a female lead in a full-length movie spot.

A shot of billboards in downtown New York City.
Voice Acting
The Best Ads of 2018 As Selected By Voices Staff

What were the best ads 2018? Our Voices experts have scoured the internet to round up our favorite commercials and voice overs of 2018.

booking voice over gigs
Voice Acting
How You Can Book Your First Voice Over Job and Be Successful

When booking voice over gigs, there are tips and tricks you can follow to ensure that you are successful on the Voices platform.

An illustration of several hands facing up, with hearts on their palms
Voice Acting
Ways to Use Your (Vocal) Gifts to Give Back

If you're a voice over actor, there are many ways you can use your skills to help others. Here are three examples of how you can give back.

The Incredibles
Voice Acting
Celebrity Voice Talents in The Incredibles

Wondering who the voice actors are in The Incredibles? Look no further. Here is the list of who voices the characters in the cast.

Woman relaxing on a couch with a cup of tea. Taking downtime to protect her creative process and be her most productive self afterwards.
Productivity and The Importance of Taking Downtime

Discover the importance of taking downtime and brain breaks, and some unique ways to find downtime in your busy schedule.

A chalkboard drawing shows a graph with many lines in multiple colors.
Voice Acting
Voice Casting Trends and Popular Voices Revealed

The voice is one of advertising and media’s most powerful vehicles. Voice over casting trends show how people are using and choosing voices.

A woman types on a blue typewriter
Voice Acting
Bobette Buster on The Art of Storytelling

She's a storytelling guru with the chops and the cred to back it up. Bobette Buster shares her insights on what makes masterful storytelling.

a golden film reel and unraveling film
Voice Acting
Academy Award for Best Picture – Nomination...

Can you predict which films will be nominated for an Oscar? We analyze the nominees for Best Picture and draw comparisons.

A person's hands are visible as they hold a book open while many others lay around their feet, on the floor.
Voice Acting
11 Great Leadership Books to Help You Level Up Your...

When it comes to advancing your career, leadership skills are essential. These 11 top picks are books that will help you move forward.

A person sits with a coffee in one hand and an open book in their lap
Voice Acting
6 Business Audiobooks to Help You Develop and Execute...

No time for an MBA? If you want to spark great ideas and develop winning strategy these 6 books may be just what you need!

A woman stands with a clapperboard in front of her face.
Voice Acting
Disney’s Moana Shows How Casting with Authenticity...

Does casting an authentic voice for your animated character matter? Disney's Moana shows how your voice actor casting makes a difference.

Showing 37-48 of 56 Articles