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Hands holding a tablet with words on it
What Is a Transcription?

What is transcription, how is it used, and what are its benefits? This article takes a look at this powerful and often overlooked tool.

Netflix home screen on laptop
How Netflix Became the World's First International Movie Studio

With a global content strategy, you can reach audiences all around the world. Explore how Netflix leaned into its local-language content.

A young woman with glasses speaking into her phone while writing in a journal, representing an interactive voice ad script.
How to Write an Interactive Voice Ad Script

Interactive voice ads are voice-activated audio ads that listeners can talk back to. Learn how to write your very own interactive voice ad.

Two jovial podcasts hosts sit with microphones
The Complete History of Podcasts

Can you imagine a world before podcasts? We deconstruct the history of podcasts, the rapidly growing medium that shows zero signs of slowing.

Young man sitting at café and speaking into phone
Text to Speech Technology

Text to speech technology is transforming the way we communicate. Discover how TTS and voice computing are making the world more accessible.

A young woman with headphones in a crowded Times Square
Sonic Logos: Designing Your Brand Soundscape

Discover why your brand needs a sonic logo in this roundup of the most iconic sonic logos of the past and present.

Voice Acting
How Uncredited Voice Over Roles in Disney Movies...

We look at one of Walt Disney’s most famous animated masterpieces & explores the lengths Disney went to in order to stake his claim to a franchise voice

View of a woman's face from behind, before her, we see that there are paparazzi taking photos. She looks like she's on a red carpet and is dressed elegantly.
Voice Acting
Voice Over Jobs: How Much Does Celebrity Matter?

When it comes to landing voice over jobs, how important are celebrity voices? According to artist/producer, Xavier Paul Cadeau, it isn't. Read why.

digital learning
How Technology is Being Used in Digital Learning

We take a look at how technology is being used in digital learning and what that means for the future of elearning and education.

elearning industry growth
Voice Acting
Elearning Industry Growth: Where Online Learning is Headed

The elearning industry growth is a boom that will impact where the world of online learning is headed.

government communications
Voice Acting
Government Communications to Those with Sight Loss

A look at how government communications can be adapted for those with sight loss to ensure every citizen receives the same information.

a golden film reel and unraveling film
Voice Acting
Academy Award for Best Picture – Nomination...

Can you predict which films will be nominated for an Oscar? We analyze the nominees for Best Picture and draw comparisons.

Showing 49-60 of 66 Articles