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A set of building schematics with a protractor on top
Voice Acting
4 Essential Best-Practices for Building Killer Brands

David Brouitt, Creative Director at Ramp Communications, shares essential, often forgotten, branding practices. Are you doing all 4 of these?

Man using a phone and smart speaker
Voice Acting
Voice Application Sample Voice Over Script

If you're creating a voice application for a smart speaker, you'll need a sample script. Use our free voice over script to help you out.

An animated image of man and a woman standing in front of a bank.
Voice Acting
Financial Explainer Video Voice Over Scripts

Looking for any kind of free explainer video voice over scripts? Well, we have financial explainer video voice over sample scripts for you!

elearning industry growth
Voice Acting
Elearning Industry Growth: Where Online Learning is Headed

The elearning industry growth is a boom that will impact where the world of online learning is headed.

Image of man's hand putting ballot in box with California flag in background.
Voice Acting
California County Voting Requirements: Preparing for...

The 2020 US Election is coming sooner than many California counties want to realize. Here's everything you need have in order for March 3.

Animation of people carrying voting cards and placing them on a computer with the font vote on the screen.
Voice Acting
Voting Technology: The Innovations Set to Revolutionize US Elections

Voting technology is rapidly evolving. From an Alexa Skill to voting with your phone, we take a look at how it will impact the US elections.

government communications
Voice Acting
Government Communications to Those with Sight Loss

A look at how government communications can be adapted for those with sight loss to ensure every citizen receives the same information.

Accessibility machine
Voice Acting
Accessible Voting: The Global Innovations Driving Change for Disabled Voters

What is accessibility for voting? Taking a look at the innovations that can help making voting accessible to all.

Closeup of equipment in a videographer's grip
Making the Most of Your Video Production Schedule

Tips and tricks on how to maximize your video production schedule so you can make the most of content creation opportunities. Read now!

A photo showing stamps from different cities and countries on a piece of paper.
Knowing When to Incorporate Accents into Advertising

The results from these studies about accents in advertising will help you decide when to use accents.

Woman relaxing on a couch with a cup of tea. Taking downtime to protect her creative process and be her most productive self afterwards.
Productivity and The Importance of Taking Downtime

Discover the importance of taking downtime and brain breaks, and some unique ways to find downtime in your busy schedule.

the word "fiction" spelled out on typewriter stamps to symbolize fiction in audiobook scripts that narrations can use to practice with.
Voice Acting
Narration Scripts – Fiction Genre

Every narrator needs to practice reading long form audiobook scripts and produce demos of their narration abilities. These sample scripts will help you do just...

Showing 73-84 of 99 Articles