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Vocal Health
Where Did Your Voice Come From?

Does your voice have its own unique sound that can be traced back to your environment, physiology, or substances we are surrounded by.

Why Are There So Many Languages?

Join me in a conversation about how our languages came to be and why it pays to speak more than one language.

Little Known Facts About E.T.'s Voice | Blog - Where clients and voice actors can find valuable information on pre-production, technology, animation, video and audio production, home recording studios, business growth, voice acting and auditions, celebrity voice actors, voiceover industry news and more!
Little Known Facts About E.T.’s Voice

Who provided the voice of E.T. in the movie 'E.T. The Extra Terrestrial'? Why’d they get chosen? How much were they paid?

Voice Acting
Narrating Fairy Tales A Good Niche For Voice Artists

Learn how starting out with short stories such as timeless fairy tales can help you cut your teeth on audiobook narration, recording and editing.

Voice Acting
How To Replace or Delete Demos on Voices

There are any number of reasons why you might choose to update a demo or to stop using it altogether. This tutorial will show you how!

Voice Acting
10 Voice Tips for Women to be Heard More

Communicating effectively can be a challenge for both men and women, however, women have a unique set of challenges to overcome.

5 Tips For Decluttering Your Studio

Is your recording studio a little on the unmanageable side? Here are five tips for decluttering your studio.

Voice Acting
Trends in Children’s Voice Casting

Sometimes the voices you hear in commercials and animation aren’t the same age as they sound!

Voice Acting
Some Tips For Celebrity Voice Matching

We’ll take a look at some factors that play into voice matching and discover a couple of resources specific to the art of voice matching and imitation.

How to Beef Up Your Brand Through Storytelling

While voice actors are paid to talk, many have difficulty speaking to what they provide and attracting people to more than just keywords.

Voice Acting
The Voice of God

Today, we’re going to take a closer look at what the stereotypical sound is, why it became so popular and how the voice type, may have got its name.

Why Does a Completed Profile Matter at Voices? Find...

Discover more about how you can ensure that your profile is the absolute best that it can be from someone who has learned the hard way.

Showing 901-912 of 934 Articles