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A group of children smiling
Voice Acting
Popular Alexa Games for Kids and Families

Have fun with your family by trying out some of these popular Alexa games for kids. From single players to groups, you'll have a blast!

Successful man walking across a bridge to success
10 Voices Profile Mistakes to Avoid

Is your Voices profile generating enough voice over audition opportunities for you? Here are 10 ways to improve your profile!

Animated image of a group of employees reading papers standing in front of a bank and being instructed by a teacher.
Voice Acting
Financial Sales Training Voice Over Scripts

Voice over scripts for a financial institution's internal sales training are hard to come by. We have you covered with great examples.

Animation of people carrying voting cards and placing them on a computer with the font vote on the screen.
Voice Acting
Voting Technology: The Innovations Set to Revolutionize US Elections

Voting technology is rapidly evolving. From an Alexa Skill to voting with your phone, we take a look at how it will impact the US elections.

government communications
Voice Acting
Government Communications to Those with Sight Loss

A look at how government communications can be adapted for those with sight loss to ensure every citizen receives the same information.

Photo for Podcast Editing
Voice Acting
How to Master Podcast Editing

Get the hang of podcast editing and the most suited formats with these tips and be on your way to producing the best podcasts.

Two hands encircle a set of paper cutouts shaped like people holding hands.
Vocal Health
Self Care Tips and Activities for Every Creative

Carving out a self care practice is a must for professionals, especially creatives. Get inspired with these self care tips and activities.

Standard corded telephone
Voice Acting
Telephone IVR and Auto Attendant Scripts Examples

Your IVR and auto attendant play an important role in your business. Get inspired by these IVR script examples and improve your system today!

A man sits surrounded by studio tech gear like headphones, a soundboard, a preamp and speakers. You can see the man's hands and arms only as the operate the computer and the preamp.
Voice Acting
What’s on Your Studio Tech Gear Wish List?

Looking for something new to put in your booth? Learn about the studio tech gear that top talent can't live without!

An illuminated cloud sits in the centre of the image with lines reaching out to various elements - on the left, a symbol of a folder attaches to another symbol of a smart phone, which is connected to a link symbol. The folder is also linked to an icon of a computer monitor. On the right, the cloud connects to a stacked cylinder which is connected to icons for film, pictures, and music. From the top right, the cloud is connected to speech bubbles. Various other image-less circles are connected throughout the image.
Voice Acting
Which Social Networks Are Worth Your Time?

How do you decide where to invest your time online? Tips for getting the most from social networking sites.

A mixed media image shows a real person's hand 'walking' up a set of illustrated stairs that are adorned with images like lightbulbs, word blurbs, keys and words like success, yes, and goal.
Voice Acting
Top Podcasts for Storytellers and Creative Entrepreneurs

Being in a creative job is amazing, but staying creative can be a challenge. Stay inspired with podcasts for storytellers and entrepreneurs.

A chalkboard drawing shows a graph with many lines in multiple colors.
Voice Acting
Voice Casting Trends and Popular Voices Revealed

The voice is one of advertising and media’s most powerful vehicles. Voice over casting trends show how people are using and choosing voices.

Showing 85-96 of 111 Articles