Search results for Voice Over

Voice Acting
Perks for Movie Actors to Work From Home

Perks of being a movie voice actor: Less Preparation Time, Scripts at Sessions, Achieving the Impossible, and more!

YouTube ads skipped
3 Reasons Why Your Ads Get Skipped on YouTube

How do commercial producers get people to watch their entire YouTube ad? What stops users from skipping ads on YouTube? Hear from YouTubers for quick tips.

Voice Acting
Using Myers-Briggs For Character Development

Voice actors can use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment to help build more authentic characters by understanding personality types.

broadcast | Blog - Where clients and voice actors can find valuable information on pre-production, technology, animation, video and audio production, home recording studios, business growth, voice acting and auditions, celebrity voice actors, voiceover industry news and more!
Voice Acting
Tips for Broadcast Journalists from the World of Voice Acting

Broadcasters have a difficult task of impacting the listener and making their information have an impact. How do they use their voice to leave an impression?...

Voice Acting
Deborah Sale-Butler: Fake It Till You Make It

Voice talent Deborah Sale-Butler is often seen on the recently hired list on Voices. Learn how she markets herself though VOX Daily's interview with her.

Voice Acting
What is an NDA and When Should One Be Issued?

When booking for larger clients sometimes a non disclosure agreement is required. What do these agreements entail and have you considered what they really mean...

Voice Acting
Animated Films Where Sound Design Reigns Supreme

How does cinematic sound paint a picture in the viewers mind? Read how animated film through scores and voice over, attracts the listener's ear.

Common Storylines in Animated Films

How do stories bind us together, and reach a broader audience? There are many new animated films following a specific plot layout to do just that.

talk like a pirate day
Voice Acting
How To Talk Like A Pirate

September 19th marks International Talk Like A Pirate Day. If you're curious about how to talk like a pirate, consult the pirate dictionary.

Peter Cullen Celebrates Optimus Prime's New Lease On Life | Blog - Where clients and voice actors can find valuable information on pre-production, technology, animation, video and audio production, home recording studios, business growth, voice acting and auditions, celebrity voice actors, voiceover industry news and more!
Voice Acting
Peter Cullen Celebrates Optimus Prime’s New...

As technology develops, more doors open in the vast voiceover industry. Peter Cullen, the original voice of Optimus Prime in Transformers, shares more.

The Importance of Saying Someone’s Name Properly

Saying someones name properly forms a relationship and shows respect for the person you are engaging with, it shows significance.

Voice Acting
Speaking Through Tears

Can you control your voice when you feel overwhelmed with emotion? Many actors have found a way to do this. Have you?

Showing 973-984 of 991 Articles