Marco Bellinaso

AnguriaLab LLC

About Us

Quick facts about us:

* . We are Italian, and most development is done in beautiful Bologna.
* . "Anguria" means "watermelon" in Italian.
* . So why anguria/watermelon? Because it's good, tasty, juicy, fresh and what we want our apps to be.
* . We are four partners, with different and complementary backgrounds, from engineering to business to marketing.
* . We work with a lot of different technologies: from low-level C/C++ to Objective-C and Cocoa.
* . We love Apple, the Apple culture and the Apple products. However, we are open-minded, and work on Windows apps too.
* . We're currently particularly interested in mobile technologies and platforms: the iPhone is the perfect toy for us!
* . We're also very interested in web-based services, and think that AJAX is way cool!
* . We do what we do because we love it. We wouldn't do anything else! (ok, maybe this is a bit stretched...but just a bit)
* . We work on end-user products that we sell under our brand. But yes, we might help you with your own project or ideas.
* . GetConnected S.r.l. is our parent company, which follows Italian clients and projects (site in Italian only)
* . We love bulleted lists, and think that everybody should.

Video Narration

Ken Billard to AnguriaLab LLC for Job #33708

Marco and Alberto are great to work with. They respond quickly, provide great direction, and are passionate about what they do. I hope to work with them again.

Mar 29, 2011