Brendan Nahmias

Brendan Nahmias

About Us

PORTAL A is an independent creative studio based in San Francisco and Los Angeles that develops, produces, and distributes entertainment built for the web. We take each of our projects from concept to execution to launch, combining all services in-house.

We create video for a new generation – one with a relentless appetite for entertainment and zero tolerance for traditional advertising. We produce original properties and partner directly with global brands, tech startups, content platforms, and advocacy groups to create high-impact, shareable video campaigns designed to engage a massive audience online.

Our work has been recognized by the Shorty Awards, the Webby Awards, the ADDY Awards, the IAWTV Awards, the AVA Awards, the Telly Awards, the Davey Awards, the Hermes Awards, and the Cynopsis Digital Awards and has been viewed over 300 million times across the web.

Video Narration

Robert Smythe to Brendan Nahmias for Job #119973

This was a fun job: clear direction and interesting material. Thanks!

Oct 9, 2014