Oscar Sandoval

Racontours Mobile

About Us

raconteur: Ra'con'teur, n. [F.] A relater; a storyteller.

All the World is a Story
At Racontours, we believe that history is a story, and our tours are designed to tell it, whether it's history of rock 'n roll or the history of Lower Manhattan. Our tours are loaded with anecdotes and unknown little facts that drive the story behind the story.

Hear it, See it
What's more, we won't just tell you these stories - we'll show them to you both in person and on screen. Using the latest mobile technology, we can bring you to the World Trade Center or the Great Lawn in Central Park, and then show you what they used to look like.

Be your own Guide
Best of all, you can guide yourself, at your own speed, and choose those parts of the tour that interest you. Does General Sherman bore you? Skip ahead. Does John Lennon fascinate you? Click to hear more. And since these tours can be downloaded and installed on demand to any mobile device, from a Palm Pilot to a Smartphone, you take them at a moment's notice.

Inside Scoop
Nothing's better than getting a tour from someone who knows. Racontours hires the best authorities from academic and authors to professional guides to people who were actually there and saw it first hand. Our tours are guaranteed to be compelling and takes you behind the curtain of common knowledge.


to Racontours Mobile for Job #40076

Oscar is absolutely fantastic to work with. Quick to answer all questions and very specific with his instructions. I hope we continue to work together for a long time to come!

Aug 4, 2011


to Racontours Mobile for Job #39050

Oscar was great to work with; very understanding of the rest of my schedule and specific with his instructions, which made getting the job done even easier. I'd be happy to work with him again on anything and everything he may need me for.

Aug 2, 2011