Voice Mail and IVR Samples



Some generic samples of various types of voice mail messages. First clip is from a booked job.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
David Richter. You've reached valiant architects after hours to leave a voicemail in the general inbox. Dialects Tension Zero. Thank you for calling Total Tech Resource Corporation. If you've reached this recording during regular business hours, please leave a message with your means of contact. You reached the Caldwell's. We're sorry. We are unable to take your call. Leave us a message. It's Chris. You know what? To dio. We're probably out on a job site. Thank you for calling. Please leave a detailed message and we will return your call a soon as we return due to inclement weather in the area. Washoe County School District and Excel Christian School have called a snow day today. Please stay on the line for an important message. Thank you. Have a great day.