Audio Book - Small Claims Court



Selections from A Guide to Small Claims Court - how to navigate the small claims process in various states.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Everybody's Guide to Small Claims Court, 12th Edition Written by attorney Ralph Warner, read by Tina Comrie Ani Chapter one First things Small claims procedures are established by state law. This means there are differences in the operating rules of small claims courts from state to state, including the maximum amount for which you consume. Ooh hoo, you can sue and the what, where and when of filing papers. There are even differences in what small claims court or its equivalent is called in the different states with Justice, District, Municipal, City, County and Magistrates Court among the names commonly used. Although the details of using small claims courts vary from state to state, the basic approach necessary to prepare and present a case is remarkably similar everywhere. But details are important, and you should do three things to make sure you understand how small claims court works in your state. Look up the summary of your state's rules in the 50 State appendix to this book. Obtain your local small claims rules from your small claims Court clerks office. Check out your state Small claims rules online. The purpose of small claims court is to hear disputes involving modest amounts of money without long delays and formal rules of evidence. Disputes are normally presented directly by the people involved. Lawyers are prohibited in some states, including Michigan and California, except to argue their own disputes but are allowed in. Most, however, the limited dollar amounts involved usually make it economically unwise to hire a lawyer the maximum amount of money for which you can sue. In legal jargon, the jurisdictional amount is set by state law to.