Animation Demo, Character, Cartoons, Creatures, Female, young girl, child, young boy



Animation, Characters, Cartoon, Creatures

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the scent of primal nature permeates the air she casts her enticing, sent its consequences to share. Why, this is my daughter. Did Alina, isn't she going just looking? I half Are you kidding me? Just looks just like a mother. See? Then again and again my eyes schools you. You smell like the bathroom at a Eurotrash Far noted paper love may honestly What's not Olivia? Imagine you're embracing the sun, the giant, glowing ball of energy that lights each and every one of our souls. There's nothing like getting quick deals on a fresh spring day. You look like a fresh spring. Give me your wallet. Look at this place. Everything's leopard. It's so classy. Mommy, stay with you. Oh, I do declare it is hot in here. Would you be a kind gentleman and fetch B and ice cold lemonade? Hey, big boy, the names Brandy and you can pull him a brandy too. But I don't want to waste your time because this name I hate talking