The Power of a Like, Motionography, Narration of a Short Film, Animator, Short Film



I was the VOICE of this well known short film The Power of a Like on Vimeo, Motionography, Narration of a Short Film, Animator, Short Film. To see the full video go to: (Website hidden)/(Phone hidden)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
with each like way inspire in power. Stay close, connect and, well, it feels really great, too. But as our wants evolve affecting how we think how we act, it can divide the voice of our soul through these hills and valleys that spark keeping us afloat, slipping into the noise. Somewhere in there we become lost, weighted down by needs. We didn't used to have our fears fueled from missing out way start to count and count. When enough is never enough, grow hungers for validation. Needs for connection for approval, self worth to be loved. But if we can rekindle that fire again, waken see clear to what's real and true that's right in front of us. Breaking through the bounds of her doubts and fears way find a value in life far beyond like from a like to love