Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Josh Banday
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hand your kid and nestle drumstick and they're not growing up too fast. There just the kid eating a drumstick. Want a handheld game? That's more than what it seems Even connect online. Upload your points to an amazing three d virtual world. Emi to you are the power. For years you fantasize that your parents would simply be quiet. You've held out hope for that one precious advice free moment. Well, now your dreams can come true. Starting with this simple phrase, I'm going to college. So when do you think my car will be ready? Take about eight days. Eight? Unfortunately, yes. But hey, you know what? In the meantime, why don't you use my son's bike? I don't want to buy. You know what? I just got back from the Cairo Brecht that Why don't you hop on my back? Hey, guys, it's me again, Todd. I'm over a Clarion hills That's just talking about the night on the town special. It handles for just 12 50 per person. Your gift to the United Way. It stays right here in the Bay Area, but it goes a long, long way. What if everybody gave