Funny or Die \"Political Scandals\" VO

Video Narration


Comedy narration VO for the popular Funny or Die Channel

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
2015. Nothing enthrals the masses quite like an offensive gaffe on insensitive tweet or a full on photo over politicians genitals. But how does something go from honest mistake to honestly, your career is over today on how it's built way, take a look. ATT Political SCANDALS Like any product, a political scandal must begin with a few simple raw materials. Common recipes include closeted middle aged man plus cellphone camera, plus bloodthirsty media or racist Old cook. Plus Twitter plus bloodthirsty media or horny Racist Man. Plus is made plus owning a basketball team plus bloodthirsty media. Alcohol is introduced within 50 minutes. The highly combustible object emerges as 10,000 retweets on too poorly researched Golkar articles. Currently, we understand scandals to take shape in two different categories. Category one are your typical run of the mill career. Enders generally labelled Blank Gate Watergate Snapchat GATE I have no memory of ever meeting that woman gate, but Category two scandals, those air much more serious kat to scandals exist when you have a semi direct correlation between the scandalous behaviour and the name of the politician in question. For example, when a man with the surname Wiener shows is well, sir, earning the scandal blossoms into something much larger, also, when representative Dugger is called to picking a booger or when Congressman Boehner is caught sporting a well once properly sorted Category one scandals are sent home shamed, while Category two scandals are transported to hungry consumers, including 24 hour news channels. Comedy website on uninformed commenters on every article, you aren't ever posts to Facebook. Much like politicians themselves, Most scandals have a mercifully short shelf life. Soon every scandal is replaced by a newer, sexier scan. Like this time. Maybe it's *** stuff. At this point, the politicians are permitted to return home shamed, broken and soon to be worth millions more than they were before the scandal broke. I'm talking Clinton rich for how it's built. Those are political scandals. I AP showbiz