Audiobook Project



This clip is a short sample taken from a 65,000 word LEED certification course audiobook I voiced for an international client. The course has been very successfully received and there are plans for followup courses.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the lead for homes rating system is designed to certify single family and multi family homes, which are between 1 to 8 stories. It is important to remember that the residential buildings over eight storeys should use the lead BT plus seen new construction and major renovation rating system. The two rating systems under this category are the only rating systems that require infield verification. This means that a green Raider, which was also discussed under the lead professional credential section, is going to conduct a site visit to verify that the home is designed and built to the rating systems requirements. The lead for homes category contains two rating systems. Lead BD Plus See Homes and multi family low rise and lead BT Plus C multi family mid rise. The lead, BT Plus See homes and multi family low rise rating system is for single family homes and multi family residential buildings, which are +123 stories while the lead BT Plus C multi family mid rise rating system is for multi family residential buildings with 4 to 8 stories above grade