Brandi Elliott - Animation and Video Games



This is my first demo; highlighting a few of my voices. Enjoy!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
there is one story more. One. I wish I could say it was the greatest tale of ancient days where Scalia gits get him. The official response plan was developed in the aftermath of the last attack, honey bees to a special dance to show other honeybees where they can find food. Let's goingto don't revote America going to be a good party. I'm sorry for getting upset, but I just don't see why everyone is so quick to trust real live moon critters. Ships about to go down. We're right here to watch the action. One is able to claim it. Welcome, player. Let's begin. It's not over yet. I'll get you next time. Yeah, zombies don't stand a chance. We're gonna come down and then we laugh. Let's just get right down to business. It's a my little game. Don't make me laugh. Hello. This is Brandy Elliott. This is just an example of some of the voices that Aiken dio I can be reached at 6047855 to 63 Thanks for listening.