Commercial Demo

Television Ad


Commercial , friendly , conversational , fun , cheeky

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) New Zealand


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's a special group of people in the world, the first to see the light of a new day on the first to hit the snooze button. First of all, the Jack today in the whole world on the first to drink their tea too soon. Delicious coffee at one touch from fresh ground beans perfectly soothe ones who were always running late. Say hello to Gusteau. Recipe box Packed with flavour. Choose delicious meals from 10 minute dishes on family favourites with 30 recipes every week. Go to gusto dot co dot UK. Your mind with red seals. New infusions generously cut ingredients full of flavour suspended in a delicate pyramid bag for better infusion. Red seal infusions infused the moment. The average New Zealander spends more than 24 hours a year brushing their teeth. When you put it that way, it's important your toothpaste doesn't contain any toxins or parabens with no artificial colours, Flavours or preservatives are no added fluoride. Red Seal is the natural choice. Ahs. A Genesis School Gym partner Wesley Intermediate is one of many schools around the country that we've kitted out with latest solar technology to help students learn about power on school, save a few dollars. It's more like school play than school work. A genesis were leading the way to the future of energy. You coming?