Senior-Mature Voices

Television Ad


a sample of different ads with seniors or mature voices

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
dear Summer. Where do I start while you're out there enjoying the sun? I'm here shivering my icebergs off and is it just me, or does the sun stay out way later with you? Forgive me for sounding jealous, but people can actually swim in your water. They slip and fall on mine. Warmest regards Winter. I began this as a child with frogs and mud bulls. Rainwater in brown, Eddie's at the edge of streams on the sand by the ocean, crayfish and seaweed. Dad pulls and black snakes. I learned careful nuts on sharp hooks to watch a fish come to the surface to turn a rock over to look slowly. I learned to be still residing in the canyon at that time were John Greenwood, up churches, Maclin, ticks, Hayes, Wiley, Morgan dawdles Sanford's, Blair's and Wooten's Oh, you had to do was shake a tree and a wootan would fall out. Eleanor Claridge, you might say it's like striking oil in your garden or finding gold in the loft. We've all become rich in it. We all have more time. The Internet is now truly mogul, so you can make use of every moment of every day. Make the most of now