Narrative / Corporate Compilation

Video Narration


Sincere & empathetic for Battersea Dog Home
Friendly & nurturing for The Wedding Shop
Informative and serious for Inland Revenue
Playful & explanatory for Bimbricks

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it shouldn't happen to a dog. And no dog can look cute when it's cold, hungry and abandoned. Every year Battersea Dogs Home takes in thousands of dogs, create the ultimate gift list with us, are flexible service allows you to select from over 40,000 products at 350 brand partners say I do to the ultimate gift list. Even families earning as much as £58,000 could be eligible for child tax credit if you're raising a family or contributing to the UK, so if you've earned it, make sure you claim it. What is been bricks? It's where you can access the entire mbH product catalogue on DH. Been data data such as compressions, please on four lifecycle of each product on the building's local environment. Ben breaks dot com building made better