British - Commercial, Audio book, Documentary, E-learning, Medical, Technology, Voice Assistant

Television Ad


This is a versatile reel, with commercials, documentaries, E-learning, audiobook, medical and technology scripts. It showcases my clear Native British accent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
optimised aerodynamics, plus roof sporty proportions. Self charging sounds good, perfect, rapidly growing, consuming, adapting they conquer jeopardising local economies, threatening human health and devastating entire ecosystems. Invasive species are very unwelcome. Guest Thiss week It's marquetry, decorative, intricate inlaid work using small pieces of coloured wood for decoration. Sadly, due to last week's slip of the chisel, injured Maggie has to set this week out on watch her fellow competitors sweat the small stuff, boasting and unprecedented 18 stops of dynamic range and reaching deeper than ever into the CIA. 1931 Colour Space. The breathtaking 16 K imagery from the Enigma SF delivers beyond the expectations of the most demanding cinematographers of Today on DH Tomorrow. If you haven't heard of his yet, it's because we don't make a big song and dance about ourselves. We've been here for our community since 18 47 for planning for getting on with it for fresh starts on. Now, more than ever, we're here for you. There have been rumours over the years that Wallace had cold feet before her marriage to Edward. Now, 70 years after their marriage, a Siri's of letters have emerged between Wallace and her previous husband, Ernest Simpson. They reveal a rush of affection between the divorced couple. In these letters, we see Wallace as an unhappy woman, terrified of being attacked and full of fear for her future. Aromatic cold water infusions vibrant, refreshing, making water taste. Just put your phone down, I said. Put it down. You look at that phone more than you look at me. When did you last look at May I mean, really? Look. At May, she stopped and observed his index finger. Swiping, swiping, swiping. She listened to the inane beeps and wondered when it wass they had become a constant background. Are you even listening? She said when it comes to capsule endoscopy. ISAF, Agiel motility, Diagnostic testing Its offer. Jill ablation Perky Taney iss laproscopic Open ablation, endoscopic ultrasound guided devices on DH endoscopic resection. Our products help enhance your ability to provide proactive care. We're so excited to welcome our visitors back to Holden Crack Gardens. We're operating a booking system so that everyone can enjoy our summer displays at a safe distance. Let me know how many visitors are in your party by saying the number now. Okay, that's five tickets. Are there any special needs in your group? You can say things like wheelchair access or baby changing