Del Harrison - Genuine, Raspy, Authoritative and Relatable

Television Ad


This reel is combination of a collection of my work as an announcer, commercial voice overs, narration, animation, voice acting for audio books, television voice acting, radio ads and podcasts. I love what I do.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Caribbean (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) Spanish (Latino)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
He took her cash, but when he took her credit card to buy earrings for his girlfriend, divorce court more last coming up right after TMZ. I flew down here on an airline with new movies, 2.5 hours of looking out the window. Very boring. I'm going back on Delta. Hello, Miss matty. Oh, just catching up on some personal. Do you hear what I said though, you look amazing. Your dress, your, you look, I'm telling you who did your makeup? My name is mary kui formerly mary warren. Like many of his classmates. My son was headed for college and was spending the summer enjoying his friends and working at his job. Welcome to the door joe! Welcome to the door joe and brought my assistant to hunters because she was having trouble breathing. You tell her to walk it off and it would pass, get your signed copy at Eliza Eugene dot com. Or download the ebook from amazon or Barnes and noble.