Jon Terzis - E-Learning - Conversational - Educational -



Jon Terzis - E-Learning Module for MailBlaze

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Okay, welcome to this tutorial on understanding male blaze navigation. In this tutorial, we're going to discuss how to navigate in the mail blaze control panel and some helpful quick links. It's important to first understand what steps need to be taken to successfully send out an email campaign. Let's briefly discuss these steps. Step one. Create a list and important your subscribers into this list, a step to create an HTML and or plain text newsletter. Step three. Create a campaign by uploading your newsletter and entering your sending details and finally step for schedule the campaign for sending Now that we have a better understanding of what it takes to create and Senate campaign, let's discuss the navigation. The navigation is separated into the top sidebar and tabbed navigation. The top navigation takes you to the main sections of the site. The sidebar navigation allows you to navigate within the main sections, and the tab navigation allows you to navigate within the sidebar sections. It's easier than it sounds, and you'll get the hang of it in no time. After scheduling a campaign to be sent, navigate to the Campaigns Overview page. From here, you'll see the campaign Statistics change in real time. That's it. Thanks for watching this tutorial. Be sure to watch the rest of the tutorials toe. Help improve your mail blaze experience.