Children's Books

Profile photo for VOICEOVERS By GALE
Talent Online


Superb Storyteller. Expert with Children's material.
A consummate actress, with scores of credits from film and TV in both L.A. and N.Y., Gale has the ability to embody the characters you want like nobody else.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
twinkle. The star wasn't like other stars. From early on, his sisters and brothers glowed with a colorful fire shooting across the galaxy. It speeds. He could not keep up with twinkles. Glow was mild and slight. Twinkle, his north star mother, Celeste, called out from behind. Are you watching the great son again? Yes, he said, and twisted in the air. But you're hiding while you do. So here was once a velveteen rabbit, and in the beginning he was really splendid. He was fat bunch E as a rabbit should be. His coat was spotted brown and white. He had really thread whiskers, and his ears were lined with pinks. A teen, not gin, began again. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't drive Hickam more hack a more off the king's kitchen door. Natkin danced up and down like a Sunbeam, But still old Brown said nothing at all. When little Red Riding hood entered the woods, a wolf came up to her core day to your little red riding hood. Thank you, Wolf, And what are you carrying under your apron? Wilma sat in the radio room, powering up the sets. The emergency radio was the loudest and always had something important to announce. But this morning the weather radio crackled to life. Kakadu, 32 degrees northwest winds. No rain until Friday. The train it leaves at half past nine. Hurry, hurry! Mad Align! A cost. The Alps. The pace was slow. The mountain still were packed with snow. A long time ago in China, there lived a rich farmer in the village near the Yellow River. One day, little Ox could not get upto work. He was ill. Mother Nature said to blue Fire the supreme Be off all the creatures on my earth. You are the one most suited to do this most important job. Queen Blue Fire raised her antenna very high, as royalty was known to do and said, Mother nature, We find our lives very pleasant playing among the flowers and do not see any reason why we should work for you to flower the world