Audiobook, Nonfiction, History of The New York Times



My demo illustrates my skill as a narrator. I recorded this entire book for Librivox, one of my first solo projects on that platform.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in a sense, the new york times is the result of an accident or of a sequence of accidents. Sooner or later, Henry J. Raymond and George jones would have become partners in the production of a newspaper and wherever or whatever that newspaper might have been, it's character would have been fixed by the common ideals which these men held as its prosperity would have been insured by their unusually fortunate combination of talents. But it was only a chance that this Raymond jones newspaper was The New york Times, and not the Albany Evening Journal, And it took more accidents to bring Raymond and Jones together. In 1851, One day, early in 1851, Jones and Raymond were walking across the Hudson on the ice When Jones observed that he had heard that the tribune had made a profit of $60,000 in those days. An enormous sum in the past year. This renewed Raymond's enthusiasm, and before they reached the other shore he had obtained jones promise to join him in the establishment of a new Daily in new york, jones closed up his business, and he and his business associate, E. B. Wesley prepared to put their money with Raymond's experience into the new venture