Climax (A Battle Scene from Dragonae)



This was a climactic scene from Dragonae. The listener can't get the full impact without knowing the entire story. That said, this is the spirit I bring to the climaxes.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Island, My love. Pass me one of those potions on Lee, the one that's all I need for now. We saved the last one for another desperate time, and when it's gone, I'll blow the damned horn. That ******* will kill every living man, woman and child in the north. If I can't stop him now, stay well back for me until this wears off. For until it does, I won't know you With that, he pushed off the cork with his thumb. Inside, the writers had arrived to find the supply wagons they were supposed to protect destroyed. They had no time to think, as a wild scream of rage echoed over the land and a writer in black armor charged at them. Stump was at a full gallop is Dougall swallowed the potion? He swore as it burned down his throat, and his awareness shrank until all he was aware of was the men charging at them a wild desire to kill. As they met, his sword batted aside. The lances pointed at him and Stump crashed into the other horses. Google continued to scream incoherently as he laid about with the sword and stump reared up, lashing out with steel shod holds several sword strokes, and lances bounced off of his armor as he continued to demolish any who are unfortunate enough to get close to him. Still seeking satisfaction, he leaped from the saddle and, swinging the sword with both hands, began to attack anything and everything in his path. Stumped, turned and fled from him to call, was utterly unaware, as a small writer on the horse charge passed just one as he reached his armor, deflecting all blows and a flashing acts, taking a tall on the enemy. She and numbers alone began to slow him down as they closed on him. But the small writer returned and spread them a bit to go off, fought on his throat, raw from screaming, his challenge and his huge muscles burning from the effort, demanded of them and that it was over. Three writers fled to the north. The last Ray dead or dying horses all is well, gasping for breath. Dougall stood like a god of war, his armor tripping the flesh and blood of man and horse alike. Yeah, movement to the side got his eye, and he lashed out, but islands acts deflected the blow to call to go. He didn't seem to hear her as he lashed out again with that deadly sword. Again, the ax deflected the blow, but she was knocked back. She leapt to her feet, backed away. The ax held out before her to go hold. This time, he paused, breathing deeply. Her voice was gentle this time, and slowly he reached up to unfasten his helmet island. Yes, My Love, it's me.