\"Dragonae\" Excerpt



This excerpt from \"Dragonae\", a novel by J.L. Crandall @ Shadoe Publishing
Narrated, Scored, and Produced by Jeff Persson @ Aesthetic Audioworks
Anticipated release: September, 2020

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When my ancestors came to this place, they found a large dress stone with strange letters engraving upon it. None could read it, nor have any been able to sense. At this moment in time, so many tales and prophecies are coming to fruition. Who knows what secrets the cornerstone may reveal? Come, my friends, let me show you the stone King. A dog led them to a stare that curved downward. They descended down beneath the Great hall, then along Ah, hallway to yet another stare. Greta Little Torch then led the way. Several of the others lit torches as they followed. The stair ended in a room that focused on the great stone slab in the corner with lit torches. They approached a new call, stood staring at the ruins carved upon it, his face settling in hard lines as he read the ancient script. Can you read this? I can do go, Can you to go? What does it say? Asked Ill. It says