AudioBook for eLearning

Profile photo for Agnes Knowles
Not Yet Rated


AudioBook read expressively, clearly, authentically, keeping the listener engaged.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
fishing was hard, exhausting work normal 75. So it must have been extremely taxing on his body. He made it look easy, though I couldn't believe how much the guy could eat. Another. Part of my job was to cook all the meals, which entailed opening a lot of cans and heating them up in a big pot. On the two burner stove. I would dump two cans of Alfa Getty into a pot with a can of beans and a can of corn and voila! Dinner. Norm thought I was a good cook. I told him I was a good can opener. After we ate dinner, we'd have to go back out onto the deck and get the fish ready to put in the freezer. That was the hardest part of the day. Norm showed me how to dip the gutted and cleaned salmon into a big plastic barrel full of salty seawater. In order to put a layer of ice on them, which would protect them from freezer burn, you'd have to repeat the process about three or four times for it to work properly. My fingers were frozen by the time we finished dipping all the fish in the barrels and throwing them into the hold