Wombat Said Come In by Carmen Agra Deedy - Audiobook - Aimee Smith



Narrated for the audiobook 'Wombat Said Come In' by Carmen Agra Deedy

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
A grateful wallaby hopped inside and was soon twitching in his sleep under a certain crazy quilt. No worries. Thought Wombat, I'll have a cup of tea in my favorite chair instead. But as he lowered himself into that chair, he heard Kua Barra was at the door, he looked scorched and bad tempered. Beautiful out here. Fire is on the March. Spare a room for an old friend. I do have quite a few rooms. Thought Wombat and so Womb that said, come in one that said come in from smoke and tin and howling wind come in. My friend. Come in with a laugh of purest joy. Kookaburra commandeered Wombat's favorite chair. Get along one that could do with some tea. Where are my manners? Thought Wombat before he could fetch his slippers. He heard I can't without warning. In tumbled platypus and out of platypus tumbled a jumble of words that I can't find my way and I've lost my shoe and they're smoking my nostrils and one bat patted his pockets for a handkerchief. He found three platypus took them all