Life cycle of a fish




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Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


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life cycle off a fish in this more do you will learn about the life cycle off a fish. Did you know that some fish, the eggs and some of them can lay thousands off eggs at a time? The life off a fish starts from an ache. A mother fish tends to lay her eggs among shallow reefs and rocks. These areas are rich and food and also provide protection to the eggs. Usually the mother officially eggs and go away. As a result, many eggs and baby fish do know to survive as the Eder, eaten by bigger fish and other aquatic animals, or face threats like changing water temperature and diseases. Thus, only a few eggs hatch from the thousands that are laid. Once the eggs hatch, tiny fish called lava emerged from them. The larvae are not capable off feeding themselves. They live off the yolk sacs that are attached to their body. Eventually, the yolk sac is fully absorbed by the growing lama fish. Now the young fish are capable off finding food on their own. At this stage, the cold a fry