Remembrance - Forest Lawn

Profile photo for Adam Ferry
Not Yet Rated
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Sympathetic, accepting

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
recently, a woman in our office died of a heart attack. Totally Adul Blue. I mean, she was so young, maybe 25. Everybody loved her. She was on the softball team and she was in everything. So you could imagine what a terrible shock it was. Anyway, A couple weeks later, after things that sort of settled back to normal, I was talking to the kid in the mail room. He plays ball and I asked him how the team was doing. And he said, You know, it's kind of funny. We had such a lousy season. But ever since Nancy died, we've been winning every game. And I asked him if he knew why. And he said one cause well, Back then, we were all fighting with each other, you know, and trying to determine who was going to play the most in all that. But with Nancy gone, all that stuff didn't seem so important anymore. And that's kind of one minute BKB became a team. So we're all on this big old team, you know? And when he said that I thought would create things what? Everything. That was what a great thing to think of. Every time I remember Nancy