Justice and the Enemy



a sample of an audiobook I recently made.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Algerian Arabic (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter six realities eric holder was not lucky. His decision to try harder. Mohammed in Manhattan was announced just days after the most murderous terrorist attack on american soil since 9 11. It was far more than that. It was the most bloody example yet of grown home Islamist terrorism and it helped show that the centrally controlled, tightly focused terror network that bin laden had launched upon the world, had now metastasized into a deadly and unpredictable franchise that empowered and even educated and privileged individuals to embark on mass murder in the name of their God. On november the 5th 2009, Major Nidal Malik hasn't carried out a massacre at Fort Hood texas shouting the Arabic phrase Allahu Akbar God is great, hasn't spread his fellow soldiers with gunfire killing 13 and wounding 30 Michelle harper, a civilian army employee later described how she hid behind the desk and made the 911 call as hasn't continued with his rampage. Oh my God, everyone is shot. She told the 911 operator, Staff sergeant Patrick Ziegler had just came and came through a tour in Iraq when he was shot four times by Hassan, one bullet went through his skull and destroyed about 1/5 of his brain. His family and his fiancee Jessica Hansen were warned that he might never return but thanks to astonishing willpower on his own part, the devotion of Jessica and the skill of the surgeons in july 2010 after eight operations on his brain, he walked out of the mayo clinic in Minnesota and then he and Jessica were married. The attacker. Nidal Hasan was a muslim born in Virginia to Palestinian immigrants from Jordan's Hassan joined the army after graduating from college and became a psychiatrist at Fort Hood. Part of his work was the council soldiers who had returned from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2009. Hasan feared deployment Afghanistan himself. Both his superior officers and the FBI were aware that he had expressed extremist views, but nothing had been done about this for the fear of God in offense, both to Hassan and the other muslim soldiers. Such fears dominated early public responses to his act of mass murder polls showed that most americans believed that the shootings should have been investigated by the military as a terrorist act, but opinion formers debated as to whether Hasan could be called a terrorist and his Islamist beliefs and connections were either ignored or played down. President Obama declared