Not your typical voice over Horror channel

Profile photo for Alan Trabelsi
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Horror channel voice over

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian North American (General) Spanish (Mexican)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello everyone and welcome to the evil world. This is the evil story of better known as the killer, santa santa claus returned to where he stole a was and took out his flamethrower with which he incinerated the dining table in the living room. And some of the wanted who burned to death Amidst terrible screams, now left the house and used the flamethrower against the cars of the guests. Bruce Jeffrey Pardo was born in 1966 in Chicago Illinois, United States to a Puerto Rican family who raised him with love and respect, but you had quite childhood. It was considered a friendly and kind hearted person like to be involved in the religious and charitable activities, contrary to these ideas. When he left high school, he had a child with a teenager named Elena Lugano, who sued him for letting the baby fall into swimming pool and suffer brain damage.