American English Female Commercial Demo - Amanda Wiedenfeld

Profile photo for Amanda Wiedenfeld
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Radio Ad


A self-written and self-produced demo with four spots inspired by brands' existing commercials featuring music courtesy of Soundstripe, Inc. | Spot 1: Exercise & Fitness - Peloton; Spot 2 - Food & Drink - Jim Beam; Spot 3: Business & Education - Grammarly; Spot 4: Health & Beauty - Lubriderm

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to Peloton guide. This is a new way to do strength training with innovations like self mode and rep tracker. We turn your TV into an AI powered personal trainer. It's you and Peloton instructors on screen growing stronger together. Peloton motivation that moves you. You've heard of the angels share that evaporates as our bourbon ages that share maybe with the angels forever, but some liquid stays trapped inside the barrel we extracted and blend it with our Kentucky straight Bourbon whiskey making a premium bourbon. This is the devil's cut from Jim Beam. Need help polishing your tone whether you need to come across as confident, personable or positive grammar. Lee's advanced tone suggestions can help you communicate effectively with any audience. Let's write it just right. Download gram early today. Everybody is unique but everybody deals with dry skin, find relief without that greasy feeling with liberal term, taking only seconds to absorb providing lasting moisture, lew grade. Um Everybody care