Dynamic Young Adult Female - Strong, Charming, Trustworthy, Fresh

Profile photo for Amanda Harris
Not Yet Rated
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Sample reel made to highlight my voice and ability using a variety of scripts.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's that time of year, you've all been waiting for. The exotic pet parade is here. This saturday. Bring your lizards, iguanas and rare birds to strut their stuff at the fifth annual market circle exotic pet parade or just come and watch all the action. All sizes and kinds of pets are welcome. Just be sure to register online at pet parade dot com first. These kids are the pickiest eaters. I'm worried my little ones aren't getting the vitamins in their diet that they need. I sometimes get away with hiding the occasional carrot in a casserole that they'll actually eat. But that doesn't happen often enough. My doctor recommended vita fun Children's vitamins. They're gummy and delicious and my kids just love them. Now they get a snack and I get the reassurance that they're full of vitamins they need. Now, if only adult vitamins were this delicious. The stone is what I'm here for. You know, it's rightfully mine, keeping it hidden from me any longer is only going to bring harm to everyone in the kingdom. Where's the rest of it? Great. Is this a riddle? Just what I need right now. This isn't the last, you'll be seeing of me. I can guarantee that next time it's right down to business