
Profile photo for Amber Hansen
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This demo is a sampling of some of the dialects I can do: Irish, Liverpool, New York - Yiddish, New Zealand, American-Midwest

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) Irish (General) New Zealand North American (US Upper Midwest - Fargo, Minnesota)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we Irish are known for our way with words. Although we speak English in Ireland are version has a hint more of a Gaelic influence. Just going down to the icy like for some air and sees you want anything, fella. In my family, you're not on pins and needles, you're on swill. CAS. This is a young English word with Yiddish origins, and in New York, many people use Yiddish Ling without even realising it. I was hiking through the bush, came upon a beach but forgot my swimming's. I had to go in the boss. I've worked as a dialect coach and could do many more, but this is just a sampling. Don'tyou Norwell G. Thanks for listening.