Commercial Reel

Profile photo for Amber Wunderlich
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Here are a few of my character and commercial voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The Caped crusader meets the big cheese. It's new Kraft macaroni and cheese and eight of your favorite superhero shapes. Maybe someday cancer will vanish like smallpox and polio. Getting rid of diseases. Hard but not impossible. Give to the Cancer foundation. Hi there boys and girls I knew talking teddy, listen to this. I laugh, I cry, wear a diaper. Oh, but most of all I hug people. Parents should never hit their kids. I mean, come on, pick on someone your own size. If you have been a witness to child abuse, speak up, you can make a difference what's as strong as an elephant stinks like a skunk and can see in the dark. Find out next on Discovery Kids.