Commercial Promo Reel

Profile photo for Amber Bray
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Promo reel for commercial work

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
back to the old to do list again. Let's see. Climb Mount Everest. Done snorkeling with the dolphins off the coast of Australia. Yeah, that's checked off Thio. How about discovering a land of lost caverns in the highlands of Costa Rica? Easy trek to view scenic wonders of beauty and mystery. Ancient unexplored caverns awaits. Hey, what do you think about this? For more Children's entertainment, check out for Kids TV on demand. Here you'll find exclusive episodes and premieres for all of your favorites. Ever heard of a podcast? People listen to them. They subscribe to them, and they love them. When everything's in the right place, you can't go wrong. Which makes the Buick Enclave such an easy choice. Noxeema H. Two Phone cleansing cloths are two cited to clean, deeper than the number one face. Wash the proof it's in the claw. The only thing you feel is luscious. New moisturizing lip color, maximum moisture, minimum weight. Every woman has her own special allure. Allure. It's unmistakable and irresistible.