Fluent in English and spanish.

Profile photo for Ana PereiraG
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Voice Assistant


I am a certified nurses aid who works as a super user for the facility with knowledge in several areas throughout the clinic including medical terminology specifically related to behavioral health.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
patient has arrived in person today, accompanied by mother slash guardian joe Patient is a 16 year old. Male patient states I have a history of mental health issues. Patient recalls starting to receive mental health services at the age of six, although cannot recall the details of those visits patient. Affirms that he is seeking services due to onset of beginning slash middle insomnia. Affirming he only sleeps three hours at a time, occasionally getting out of bed. Patient affirms no significant life changes, although describes a tough abusive childhood which may be associated to the onset of patient insomnia. Patient denies nightmares, but affirms auditory and visual hall, I think, quote, I think it's because I'm not sleeping enough patients, appetite is good, eating well, with no significant weight loss slash gain. There is no significant medical history for this patient and patient is not currently taking medications. Patient denies S. I although affirms that he has thought about harming himself in the past, no history of self harming behavior or thoughts of harming anyone else. Patient is not currently at risk, although we did discuss the safety plan for him to contact his mother slash father in case he has any thoughts of harming himself, patient appears disheveled, clear conscious understanding of conversation we had today. Patient care plan insomnia slash media recommended 100 mg doses of circle. Mhm